
Contract | Networks |
cBAT V2 | |
cDAI V2 | |
cETH V2 | |
cREP V2 | |
cUSDC V2 | |
cZRX V2 | |
Governance | |
Price Oracle V2 | |
Comptroller V2 | |
WhitePaperInterestRateModel V2 | |
cUSDCv3 | |
cUSDCv3 Implementation | |
cUSDCv3 Ext | |
Configurator | |
Configurator Implementation | |
Proxy Admin | |
Comet Factory USDC WETH | |
Comet Factory USDT wstETH | |
Comet Factory USDC USDbC WETH | |
Comet Factory USDC USDT WETH | |
Bridge Receiver | |
Rewards | |
Bulker USDC WETH USDbC | |
Bulker WETH USDT wstETH | |
Bulker USDC | |
Bulker USDT WETH | |
Governor | |
Timelock | |
cUSDTv3 | |
cUSDTv3 Implementation | |
cUSDTv3 Ext | |
cWETHv3 | |
cWETHv3 Implementation | |
cWETHv3 Ext | |
cwstETHv3 | |
cwstETHv3 Implementation | |
cwstETHv3 Ext | |
cUSDbCv3 | |
cUSDbCv3 Implementation | |
cUSDbCv3 Ext |
40 contracts in total
Compound is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that allows users to earn interest on their cryptocurrency holdings and borrow against their digital assets. It operates on the Ethereum blockchain, and its native token is called COMP. Compound enables users to lend and borrow various cryptocurrencies, including ETH, DAI, USDC, and others, and earn interest or pay interest rates on these loans. The platform uses an algorithmic system to manage interest rates, which are based on supply and demand. Compound is one of the most popular DeFi platforms in the industry.